
Synonyms for different animal names in Estonian

Here we will have a list of synonyms for animals in Estonian. I have underlined the words that are used typically and added synonyms that are most likely to be used. These are also the words I use occasionally.  My kitties Lady and Diiva. / Minu kiisud Lady ja Diiva.  🐈‍⬛ cat - kass , kiisu, kõuts 🐕‍🦺 dog - koer , peni, kutsu, kutsa 🐖 pig - siga , notsu, kärssnina 🐂 cow - lehm , vissi 🐇 rabbit - jänes , jänku, jänks, pikkkõrv 🦊 fox - rebane , haavikuemand, reinuvader 🐺 wolf - hunt , susi, võsavillem, kriimsilm, hallivatimees 🐻 bear - karu , mesikäpp, mõmmi, mõmmik, karumõmm, karuott 🦁 lion - lõvi , loomade kuningas 🐅 tiger - tiiger , tiigrikutsu 🐵 monkey - ahv , ahvipärdik, pärdik 🐎 horse - hobune , suksu, hobu, ratsu 🐑 sheep - lammas , mää, ute, utt What were the new words for you? Millised sõnad olid sinule uued? What words would you add? Milliseid sõnu lisaksid juurde? You will find many more synonyms from  Sünonüümisõnastik . 

Preparing for the YKI test

Here are some of my thoughts about the YKI test (yleinen kielitutkinto): The most important thing - be realistic. Most people aim at the intermediate level which is level B1 and B2. Intermediate level means that you can independently handle topics such as everyday life, work, society, travelling, home, environment etc. Learning process is always individual. Some people can manage in a year, some people need more years. I'm talking about years here. Unfortunately there are people who think that learning Finnish  for 10 hours or not at all will make them pass the test. YKI test is not that easy. You really need to know Finnish well before signing up for the test. No need to be perfect but you need to be good at Finnish.  In the end it's all up to you! Teachers will only give you the right directions and support  but you are the one who is doing the studying. Please don't think that your teacher is responsible for your results. It's not the way it goes. If the test goes we...

Language games on Wordwall

Learning a new language could be quite a pain in the ass sometimes. Some people remember new words by reading while others remember by listening to different texts. I personally remember new words by writing them down or by playing different games. Learning a new language should be fun and interesting, it also needs to give you enough challenges. Playing different language games makes learning a new language way more interesting than just following the chapters in your book. Therefore, from that link below you can find different language-related games. There are games related to Finnish and Estonian.  https://wordwall.net/fi/myactivities I will keep adding new games weekly.  Let me know if there is any certain type of games you would be interested in.☀️

Finnish: Vocal harmony / Vokaaliharmonia = Vokaalisointu

In my Finnish classes vocal harmony is usually among the things I teach first. For me it is important that a student gets a strong basis of vocal harmony as this is the topic a person will need all the time.  What does the vocal harmony mean? The easiest explanation is that the vowels need to be in harmony.🙂 However, there are certain rules for vocal harmony. There is a certain way how vowels perform with each other. Before we go to the rules, let's see how vowels are divided in the Finnish language. There are three groups: front vowels (etuvokaalit), back vowels (takavokaalit) and neutral vowels (neutraalit vokaalit).  Front vowels are ä , ö , y .  Middle vowels are i and e .  Back vowels are a , o , u .  🟣If there are front vowels  ä , ö or y in the first syllable of the word, the rule is that front vowels also need to be perform in the other syllable(s) of the word.  For example : tämä (it/this) ➢ tä/mä It cannot be täma ( täma) because there...

Finnish: examples of words ending in i

Words ending in  i  : nominative, genitive and partitive cases   i  ➢  i  Mostly loan words and new words     bussi: bussin: bussia   pankki: pankin: pankkia   banaani: banaanin: banaania   paperi: paperin: paperia   kurssi: kurssin: kurssia   hissi: hissin: hissiä   koti: kodin: kotia   riisi: riisin: riisiä   tuoli: tuolin: tuolia   lasi: lasin: lasia   kahvi: kahvin: kahvia   i  ➢  e Mostly words related to nature and old words   tähti: tähden: tähteä   järvi: järven: järveä   talvi: talven: talvea   ovi: oven: ovea   kivi: kiven: kiveä   Suomi: Suomen: Suomea   joki: joen: jokea   nimi: nimen: nimeä   niemi: niemen: niemeä   ni, mi, hi, li, ri  ➢ e Old words     pieni: pienen: pientä   sieni: sienen: sientä   lumi: lumen: lunta!   lohi: lohen: lohta   kieli: kielen: kieltä   tuli: tulen: tul...

Christmas treats🎄

Happy holidays everybody!🤍 As much as there are different countries in the world, there are different traditions and things that are specific only to certain cultures. In this post I'm focusing on the Estonian and Finnish Christmas food. The cultural background of these two countries is quite similar, so we do spend our Christmas mostly in the same way. Here you can see what Estonians and Finns typically eat during Christmas. Some things are similar but there are also many differences.☺️ Estonian Christmas food                                                                                                                                           ...

Random facts about me:

  I am extremely short, just 153 cm. As a kid I was bullied at school because of my height but I love being short. And that’s all that  matters.🤸  I am a non-drinker. Alcohol makes me feel dizzy and bad, so I don’t really need it. I used to be a drinker and partied quite hard when I was younger but not anymore.🧋   I am suffering from claustrophobia. I hate elevators and small rooms.🥴 I like swearing.🤭 As a kid, my biggest dream was to become a singer.🎤   I dance Latin dances.  💃 I’m a grammar freak.📚 I love pealing potatoes.🥔